PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

arasea 3.0.4 A library for defining, optimizing, and efficiently evaluating mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays. 2024-04-29 18:54:55
dataset-iterator 0.4.2 Keras-style data iterator for images contained in dataset files such as hdf5 or PIL readable files. Images can be contained in several files. 2024-04-29 15:50:55
ndbioimage 2024.4.8 Bio image reading, metadata and some affine registration. 2024-04-29 11:20:43
upc-pymotion 0.1.5 A Python library for working with motion data in NumPy or PyTorch. 2024-04-28 18:10:18
pyvista 0.43.6 Easier Pythonic interface to VTK 2024-04-26 23:13:15
grib2io 2.2.1 Python interface to the NCEP G2C Library for reading/writing GRIB2 files. 2024-04-26 11:49:34
thin-plate-spline 1.1.1 Thin Plate Spline implementation with numpy/scipy 2024-04-26 09:01:42
utipy 1.0.2 Utility functions for python 2024-04-25 19:46:44
pybind11-numpy-example 0.0.12 An example of using numpy with pybind11 2024-04-25 11:12:57
cityseer 4.13.1 Computational tools for network-based pedestrian-scale urban analysis 2024-04-23 06:53:21
batcharray 0.0.2 Functions to manipulate NumPy arrays 2024-04-21 14:40:33
pydantic_numpy 5.0.1 Pydantic Model integration of the NumPy array 2024-04-19 06:33:09
visiontext 0.12.3 Utilities for deep learning on multimodal data. 2024-04-18 18:31:41
tablite 2023.11.4 multiprocessing enabled out-of-memory data analysis library for tabular data. 2024-04-17 07:50:21
serializor 1.0.1 Serialization for common Python objects. 2024-04-16 08:27:12
curvey 0.0.4 Pythonic geometric processing of discrete planar closed curves 2024-04-14 14:14:49
smart-arrays 0.0.1 A wrapper around python lists that implement type safety and element-wise operations like numpy. Additionally, if the uncertainties package is installed, arrays of ufloats can be used 2024-04-14 00:35:19
prpy 0.2.4 Collection of Python utils for signal, image, and video processing 2024-04-11 11:02:40
grib2io-interp 1.2.2 Interpolation component for grib2io providing a Python interface to NCEPLIBS-ip 2024-04-10 13:24:11
torch-fn 1.0.0 A decorator for seamless PyTorch calculations (primarily on CUDA) from numpy.ndarray and pd.DataFrame. 2024-04-07 10:33:59
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